Do you want to be NetHui community supporter? Here's how...


This year, NetHui will be wholly online, 13-14 October 2020.

We’ll have two half-days of provoking speakers and panels, paired with breakout streams to delve deeper into the plenary topics. We’ll give space to more speakers doing shorter talks and panels to keep things lively for an awesome virtual experience. 

We need the Internet community’s help to spread the word about NetHui, so we can bring together more people with different backgrounds.

Are you representing a non-profit or a community organisation that cares about the Internet? Are you from a public or a private company that shares our passion about the online world and believes in an open, safe and secure Internet for all? Are you a blogger, an activist or an influencer? We would love to have you as NetHui community supporter! 

What’s in it for you? 

Besides supporting New Zealand’s favourite Internet gathering, inspiring open, honest and respectful discussions about everything Internet-related, bringing in people with unique perspectives and views, being a community supporter of NetHui means: 

  • Your logo and blurb with a link to your website will be on NetHui website.
  • You’ll get one free Nethui ticket.
  • Social media shoutout is on us. 
  • More love and gratitude for all community supporters during the event. 

How to become a community supporter? 

Get in touch with Ciara Arnot, our Community Advisor, at Please, send us your logo (png on a transparent background is the best), link to your website and one paragraph blurb about your organisation. 

Ciara will provide you with the supporter’s pack, and you can start promoting NetHui! Easy as. 

Ways you can promote NetHui

  • Tweet about NetHui, retweet our NetHui tweets at @InternetNZ, and use the hashtag #NetHui.
  • Share NetHui content on your organisation’s Facebook page.
  • Add NetHui event info to your internal and external newsletters, and other communication channels.
  • Add NetHui to your organisation’s events page. 
  • Talk about NetHui within your organisation and to your stakeholders.
  • Giveaway NetHui tickets to your followers (talk to us about this one).
  • Promote NetHui sessions and panels related to your public good work.

We have put together some draft messaging and graphics for you to make it super easy to share.  

Our online channels 

We will be posting updates and announcements on InternetNZ social channels. 

We will be using #NetHui for all our social posts.

Being a community supporter for NetHui is just one email away. Contact Ciara Arnot today at and welcome to the NetHui whānau!

Sponsors & Community Supporters

NetHui wouldn’t be possible without the generous support of a large number of sponsors and community supporters. If you would like to sponsor NetHui 2020 please contact us at

Community Supporters