NetHui, the Tui, and how we build a space for everyone


One of the important values that make NetHui special is keeping the space as safe as we can for everyone.

If you’ve been to one of our in-person events, you would have seen the people that are called “the Tui” - that’s the people that are there to help you have a great experience. They also keep an eye on the Code of Conduct and intervene where needed to help ensure that Code is honoured. Just like the entire event that is NetHui 2020, we’ve had to rethink how this is going to work in the online format. 
Some things don’t change, and that’s the Code of Conduct itself. That’s still built on the same four pillars:

  1. Respect people - we like to think this speaks for itself. We’re all coming along to explore and learn together, and honouring each other’s perspectives and contributions is a pretty simple baseline to allow that to work.
  2. Enable participation - we encourage you to double down on that respect angle though too, and do what you can to make space available for other voices and perspectives. This is a chance for you to learn an angle you haven’t heard before, and you can do that by enabling others to chip in.
  3. Stay on topic - the facilitators have put time and effort into designing their content, and that’s why everyone is in that space. Please do honour what the room is about - that doesn’t mean following the conversations where they go, but it does mean coming back to what the room is about. And if you have something completely different, take it along to the barcamp sessions!
  4. Keep it safe - this is kind of the most important one of all, to me at least. I like to think we all have a sense of when we are putting each other in an uncomfortable spot, and we encourage you not to do that please. It keeps the event special, and we want to keep NetHui special.

How we do this online will be a little different. Firstly, you’ll still see the Tui about - they’ll be on the Slack instance, and you’ll be able to bring up anything that concerns you with them. Secondly, they’ll have a presence in all of the spaces during NetHui 2020. And thirdly, we will need to keep an eye out across different means of communications - given that this event isn’t in a physical space, it will be a different challenge to see how this Code of Conduct plays out digitally. 

Our promise to you: the NetHui Code of Conduct matters, and it is an important part of what makes NetHui a great event to be part of. We will honour and support it at NetHui 2020 online, just as we honour and support it at all of our NetHui events offline. 

We invite you to come along and support it - get your ticket to NetHui now.

Sponsors & Community Supporters

NetHui wouldn’t be possible without the generous support of a large number of sponsors and community supporters. If you would like to sponsor NetHui 2020 please contact us at

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